Ancient Invocations are powerful "mantras" that you can recite at the Celestial Hours of Angels above, to solicit the help of the celestial hierarchy leaders. They are attested since the first century AD. They were given to us by the first bishop of the Church of Athens, St. Dionysius the Areopagite.
Archangels |
Ancient invocations |
Mikaël |
Aor Mikael etebor anator creator Aor Mikael tetraton anaton creaton Aor Mikael anateram eternam angelicam |
Gabriel |
Aor Gabriel tepotras aggeras sideras
Aor Gabriel tetraton anaton creaton Aor Gabriel imperas pantocratas |
Ariel |
Aor Ariel senophra nephrata ethera
Aor Ariel candidi israel Aor Ariel angelicus animus seculus |
Raphael |
Aor Raphael nikator epicrator salvator
Aor Raphael septissima anima terra Aor Raphael sidentus apotheus |
Jehudiel |
Aor Jehudiel sanctissimi missioni coeli
Aor Jéhudiel epistratos atoponomos Aor Jehudiel angeli coronati verissimi |
Barachiel |
Aor Barachiel benedictus manus exhominibus
Aor Barachiel quadrissimo angelico trono Aor Barachiel athanatos peristratos |
Sehaltiel |
Aor Séhaltiel megalos eukaristos angelos
Aor Sehaltiel sanctus angelicus dominus Aor séhaltiel hominum salvatorum |
Mébaël |
Aor Mebahel Israel Nathanel
Aor Mebael seraphim ataturim Aor Mebael imeron didascalon theon |
Méhaël |
Aor Mehael salvus deus manus
Aor Mehael terra officina perfecta Aor Mehael pantocratos ajudos |
Nikaël |
Aor Nikael decimus angelicus deus
Aor Nikaël prudentia via externa Aor Nikael imperator dominator alitor |
Order your Ancient Invocations Scrolls
- Ancient Summon of MIKAEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Summon of GABRIEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Summon of ARIEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Summon of RAPHAEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Invocation of JEHUDIEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Invocation of BARACHIEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Summoning of SEHALTIEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Invocation of MEBAEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Summon of MEHAEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.
- Ancient Summon of NIKAEL10,00€Download your Ancient Invocation in high definition right away. It is supplied with its explanatory leaflet in French.