Entries by intentionspriere


I wish prayer for MIAN Fabien and Fabienne for deliverance from ancestral ties and divine protection and that the Lord guides them in their voices.


Hello dear all, I beg you to kindly pray for me so that my superiors remember me, remember me and select me in the next assignments in the diplomatic currently underway in my workplace. Thank you and have a nice day.


I am making a prayer intention, I am making a prayer intention for the people of the G3 baccalaureate of the René Descartes high school in Algiers, Algeria, closed by the French and Algerian authorities, who used French people born in France, thereby flouting the precious schools of Saint Cyr, and many others, the absence of patrols […]


For Alejandro and our necessities, for the health of Lis, of Gina, of Gaby, of Dalia, for the Gutiérrez Gómez family, for AyC, for GyA. For all the intentions that I have confided.


Hello would it be possible for you to ask the Lord to completely restore to me everything that is important to me to restore to me everything that relates to the Lord to the goodness that has been granted to me in my relationship with the world around me? high and my good times past AMEN. Is it possible to request to permanently deliver […]