Love eachother !
Here is the key to true Christianity!
This commandment is still revolutionary because it is still not applied enough. Let's look and listen to the world around us and choose our side: there are those who seek conflict and those who seek peace... As a Christian, our choice is obvious!
Just before his arrest, trial and crucifixion, the Lord Jesus spent one last evening with his disciples. He used this meeting to comfort and teach them. He also gave them this command: " Love eachother. » The Lord Jesus said: “I give you a new commandment: Love one another; as I have loved you, so love one another. » (John 13.34:XNUMX)
We find this commandment in several places in the Bible. Here are a few :
God wants us to let his love touch others through us “This is my commandment: Love one another, as I have loved you. » (John 15.12:XNUMX)
“For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. » (Galatians 5.14:XNUMX)
“For it has been spoken to you, and you have heard from the beginning, that we must love one another. » (John 3.11:XNUMX)
“And we have this commandment from him: that he who loves God also loves his brother. » (1 John 4.21:XNUMX)
“Above all, have ardent love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. » (1 Peter 4.8:XNUMX)
The command of the Lord Jesus to love one another means two things:
Loving each other is not optional
Christians are commanded to love one another. We don't have to worry about whether or not we want to love other Christians. It is a commandment from the Lord. Not loving another Christian is disobeying God. The Lord Jesus said: “What I command you is to love one another. » (John 15.17:XNUMX)
To love one another is to love every Christian
Loving one another does not mean we should only love those Christians we like. We must love every Christian. The apostle John said that what proves that we are truly born again is the love we have for one another. John wrote: “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brothers […]. » (1 John 3.14:XNUMX)
Right now, you may be thinking about someone you don't like. It may be someone in your family or someone else. You may be thinking, “I know I should love this person, but how do I do that? »
Here are the steps to follow:
I must confess my lack of love as a sin
This lack of love in my heart is a sin. When I have a bad attitude, I must recognize it and confess it to God as a sin. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from every sin confessed as sin, but it does not cleanse me when I make excuses.
I must then exercise my will and choose to be delivered from this sin. Love is not just a matter of will, but I will never be delivered from this lack of love unless I exercise will and choose to be delivered from it. I must say, “I choose to be delivered from this sin. »
I must choose to love this person
I am controlled by the decision of my will and not by my feelings. I cannot control my feelings, but I can control my will. I cannot produce in myself a feeling of love towards this person, but I can choose to love them. If I make this choice and stick to it, I will find, in time, that my feelings will follow the choice of my will. Here's what's important to remember: I am controlled by the decision of my will and not by my feelings.
You may be thinking, “What if this person doesn’t respond to my love? » You can love him anyway. Jesus said: “You have heard that it was said: You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy. But I say to you: Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who abuse you and persecute you. » (Matthew 5.43:44)
On the other hand, let us have a thought for all those who suffer from war: through us, let us ask Saint Michael for the restoration of peace in the world.
Ask brothers Maximin, Christophe, Mathieu and sister Martine for an express mass for peace in the world.
Choose from the Saint Michael module, say that this mass is for you and write as your chosen intention: the end of all wars and all fights.
Thank you!
See the masses we offer you!
- Express Mass20,00€When requesting a mass intention, we remind you that we are at your spiritual service. We are here at CIELS the bridge between you and the Celestial Forces. Entrust us with your mass requests and we will humbly do our work as mediator between you and them. If you prefer to remain discreet about the request, indicate in the box "The chosen prayer intention": "for a particular intention". The mass can only be performed 3 hours after your request.
- Mass for a deceasedFrom 18,00€Our deceased need our prayers, as we need theirs. A mass for the deceased is a true act of faith in the resurrection. Thus, you accompany them in their passage towards the Father. Also, it is a good solution for you and your loved ones to keep their memory alive. It also proves that we can continue to love them. Prayer for our dead repairs negligence and our indifference and reciprocally forgives them for their failings. Let’s continue the dialogue with them! We can give them so much and they can give us so much!
- The mass can only be performed after a period of 7 days following your request. This date can be the day of his birth, his death, a particular date which marked his earthly life, the date of your birth...
- If you prefer to remain discreet about your request, indicate in the “Your message for the deceased person” box: “for a special intention”.
- Donation to CIELS30,00€CIELS needs your help to operate, modernize and develop its structures. It is your support that allows us to spread the gospel, to advance the Kingdom of God, to bring healing and hope to lives.