With its three images, you can protect yourself from the evil eye as well as two other people of your choice.
If you wish to use them, refer to the first step of the instructions for the “Deviance with the evil eye” rite which you can find on the site here.
What is the Evil Eye?
In the Middle Ages, witches were known to use the evil eye, they could bring misfortune to anyone who crossed their path. Their victims suffered various ailments. They could be rejected in love, divorces could occur or the poor victims were thrown into misery. Even today, small children, fragile people and animals are particularly vulnerable to the evil eye.
How does the Evil Eye manifest?
The evil eye is a common condition, much more common than you might think. The symptoms are often quite mild, in general the victim of the evil eye does not realize that he has been affected, so he does not treat himself. Most of the time, the victim feels heaviness and unusual fatigue.
When the evil eye is launched violently by maraboutage or not, we can have bad luck, often fall while tripping, lose important things, forget important things, do things without understanding the reason.
The evil eye rarely goes further than this, except when it affects children, fragile people or animals. We can practically say that one in two babies is affected by the evil eye before reaching the age of three!
The process used to cast the Evil Eye?
Some people have the power of the evil eye. As soon as such people look at something with admiration, that thing deteriorates or even destroys itself. Most often, admiration is combined with jealousy, malice and the desire to destroy what we envy in the look that gives the evil eye. The evil eye can act on everything: animals, humans, objects, houses, cars, stores, etc.