Whatever your Protective Angel, you can use this Pentacle for the development of spiritual forces, the execution of all magical and divinatory rites.
His representative sign is the Book. It is the Bible, the holy book marked on the first and last page of the Alpha and the Omega, that is to say: the power of the word. Gabriel is the Angel of the announcement to Mary, he has the power over the word that can all, it is the servant of the Creative Word.
This Pentacle makes it possible to make enforceable the words, the prayers, the rituals, the incantations… It facilitates the development of the spiritual gifts, because it increases the intuition of the one who carries it. Gabriel whose name means in Hebrew: "Messenger of God", is the Angel of peace. Also, by wearing his Pentacle, it is necessary to have a calm heart, without any animosity towards anyone and to be in a way a divine messenger. This being the case, the Pentacle will act by creating around the one who wears it an aura of sympathy, attraction, recognition.
The lines of force from the Book of Gabriel are the three essential geometric figures: the square which represents the Earth; the concentric circles that are the Celestial Spheres and the angular star that is God.
The Pentacle is as follows: by the Word, the Earth is able to reach the divine level (the circles) and to make the link with God.
You will download with your Pentacle all the information necessary to be able to use it properly.
Pentacle format: 100mm x 100mm.