Whatever your Protective Angel, you can use this Pentacle to exorcise and destroy the evil traps.
This Angel is formidable, he is known in the Bible as the Exterminating Angel. His name means "Fear of God". It was he who, during the exodus of the Hebrew people, passed over all the houses of Egypt. He spared the homes of the Jews who had kept the Passover while he exterminated the Egyptian newborns. His power is exercised against the forces of evil and destroys everything God commands him to destroy.
Mebael's distinctive sign is the sword of justice, because he is at the same time the Angel of Karma: he rewards us according to our past acts. The point of the sword is turned towards the sky, indicating thereby, that all righteousness comes from God. The sword is sharp and does not support half measures and those who do not practice divine fear pass through this blade. We will notice that twelve rays emanate from the center of the weapon. These are the forces that hold the universe together: three for Earth, three for Air, three for Fire and three for Water. Thus divine justice in its implacability is always exercised in the law of series and in all dimensions of the world.
You will download with your Pentacle all the information necessary to be able to use it properly.
Pentacle format: 100mm x 100mm.