A large number of Internet users ask us to perform rituals or spiritual actions from a distance. The reasons given are various: the lack of time or space, the fear of not realizing the rite, the discretion towards the entourage or the family, not being able to receive the necessary articles to perform these ceremonies ...
This is why we discreetly suggest that some of our brothers and sisters in HEAVEN can replace you in this spiritual work. That is to say, instead of you doing these Christian practices yourself, it will be a member of HEAVEN who will do them for you by proxy. This delegation will in no way change the effectiveness of the ritual and prayers and you will also be assured that we will have carried out the ceremonies in the pure rules of the Tradition of the first Christians.
On your side, you will have nothing to do for the duration of our intervention.
When you place your order, you will receive an email confirming and explaining the workflow (also check your spam).
On the other hand, at the end of our intervention, you will have to activate a “spiritual key” which will consist of reading once a prayer that you will receive by email at that time. Thus, your request for grace will be in fact engaged and you will only have to wait for the fruits of this spiritual action.
A brother of CIELS will perform for you and for you on nine days the Oremus to Marie Madeleine.
Then the ritual of Perpetual Adoration will be performed for you which allows to ask for thanks to your Archangel Protecteur.
Our spiritual work done, you will be notified by an email in which there will be a prayer that will act as a "spiritual key" (Also check your spam). Count between 26 and 35 days for the ceremony to be completely over and for the email to be sent to you.
You will have to read this prayer once and then send this email to the trash. Thus, your request for grace will be given to you and you will only have to wait for the fruits of the spiritual action that you have commanded us.
About the Orémus to Saint Mary Magdalene:
Mary Magdalene is the sister of Martha and Lazarus of Bethany, the Friend of Jesus, always at his feet (Lk 10,38:42-11; Jn 12,1; Jn 7:7-36). We believe we recognize her in the forgiven sinner, who sheds tears and perfume (Lk 38:19-20). A model of true love, she accompanies the Lord to Calvary (Jn 1). On Easter morning, she sees the Risen One who makes her the Apostle of the Apostles “Go and find my brothers and tell them…” (Jn 18 22-XNUMX). Then she evangelized Gaul before retiring to pray, in a cave in the Sainte Baume massif, which, since the origins of Christianity, has remained a major place of pilgrimage. The basilica of Saint Maximin la Sainte Baume in the Var houses his relics. His feast day is July XNUMX.
This orémus is particularly suitable for the deliverance of the body or genes of all kinds, unblocking of a situation, financial problems, debts, exams, sale of property, work, difficulties in love... This rite can also provide last minute help .
We find Mary Magdalene in different Christian Traditions. Thus, we pray to her in order to be protected from the jealousy of others, as we also invoke her to find true love. But with this Oremus, it is a question of addressing her directly so that she intercedes with the Lord in an urgent manner to positively resolve a problem that is close to our heart. By the special bond that she maintains with Jesus our Savior, she is the best intercessor so that we can obtain a quick result in urgent problems ...