May God protect us from wars and lead us to the path of peace and life.
May our future president of France be a symbol of peace, of the reform of our church for
help our Pope lead a world of charity and sharing.
May our mother protect us from covid, misery and unemployment….and call men
to become aware of their action on our life….
Let us pray to the Holy Family, to help pilgrims to recharge their batteries and affirm their faith in charity
and inner honesty… May new vocations awaken for future generations…
For my tenure, please intercede…for my family, financial and affective stability….
For my son, who is on the journey of companionship as a SGDF, and future doctor, may he always find support, comfort in faith and Christian charity….of our Jesus, Lord of the Universe…
For my grandmother who is in an EHPAD it will be more than a year, that she can find warmth, love with the little sisters of the poor….. And that I can still share all my love with her…
For my sister, my parents, that they can understand my way of life... and of faith.. and that they find the peace of Christ..