Restore me in the heart of the Lord, that I may abide in him in life and after death. Restoring the Lord in my heart makes him abide in me in life, and after my death. May I not be rejected by him after my death please. Do what keeps me to him and with him AMEN I give him full and entire right to the Lord almighty creator of heaven and earth: May he completely and totally direct my person, my inside, the choices, the path and my relationship with others and here below and after AMEN Would it be possible to ask the Lord to repair my mistakes, to put things back in place, to repair what has been distorted. To forgive my many sins, to untie every knot in my existence. To remove every thorn that I have sent with which I have hurt the Lord by my bad behavior and disobedience, by actions by feelings. Every time I have disrespected him. This for his heaven remained faithful to him, the apostles and the breasts who supported me Amen Please ask him to free me definitively and protect me against all that is harmful: negative influence, witchcraft, curses, “spiritual vampirism” and other occult practices. Keep away from me all malicious and evil people. That they cannot reach what is important and dear to me or what concerns me. That evil can no longer approach me, and the malicious can no longer harm me. AMEN. Would it be possible to ask the Lord to completely reconstitute me (my conscience, my soul, life), as well as everything that is important to me (Him in me: his sacred and blessed presence, his word, his marks, but also my ancestors, my father and my mother, the children, the Christian religious communities, the good of the Lord). Is it possible to ask him to restore to me what he had put of pure and healthy in me (love, protection) his marks, all that relates to the Lord, to what had been graciously granted to me from him, faith, religion, Life, to the goodness that was graciously granted to me, as well as to my relationship with the world above and my good times spent AMEN. Make me keep them and be a living, good, gentle and patient person, loved and kept by God. May only good emanate from me, may I do good and obey my Lord in his blessed ways AMEN. May I bless him.
Thank you very much