
For the health of Mónica Pérez, Lis Chaves, Dalia, Rosario, Gaby Amaya, the mother of Karina, for the Gutiérrez Gómez family, for the vocation of José Agustín, for the González Rodríguez family.


My daughter is very ill and I ask for her healing. Angel NIKAEL


Lord, inspiration of all peace and source of all love, deign to turn your merciful gaze with kindness on my divided family. Have pity on me, you who want unity of hearts and who can help us recreate it when it…


my Archangel is Barachiel I would like people to pray for me and my family because I am going through a very very difficult time, me and my family are facing adversity and the wickedness of certain people who work in the services…


For all the deceased of Dimytri Porlon's family may their souls be and rest in peace. All the deceased of the Bevis family, Coezy, Garimé, Malahel, Anthenor, Patole may their souls be and rest in peace. May they all be…


I ask for mercy for my great financial difficulty and for me to be able to obtain my highway code. Forgive me my faults and my sins. Amen


Good evening, I would like to ask you to pray urgently for me and for my fiancée Judith. Indeed, we are both very attacked and persecuted in our thoughts, in our bodies and in our destiny. We ask…


Angel NIKAËL Healing of my daughter.


My third Virgencita de Lourdes for favor that we can do without damage or herir in the labs nor in our active life and for restoration and recovery of the lost time and no loss in trampas of ningún kind of favor for alegría…