The psalms of David
Through the laws of Kabbalah, each of the 150 psalms were given what the ancients called a "Wonder of God." So, to obtain a grace from the Lord, it was not enough to sing the psalm indicated, it was also necessary to perform a "plus" that allowed to be in adequacy with the Lord ...
The oldest Psalms have 3 000 years! King David, singing and dancing for God, is considered their father. Prayer of the believing Jew, as was the case of Jesus himself, the Psalms express all the human feelings of man before God, they are a prayer of praise and supplication. And since then, there is not a single moment when, somewhere in the world, a Psalm is raised to God. And thus, for centuries and centuries, these incessant praises and miraculous supplications have been realized.
"O LORD, I call on you, come hurry to me! Give ear to my voice, when I call on you. May my prayer be before your face like incense "(Ps 141: 1-2). Since those early times, men have sought to enter into communication with God. The Psalms are therefore part of these means.
In time, codifications and methods of recitation were instituted. For example at present, the Universal Catholic Church uses in the liturgy 147 psalms on the 150 of the biblical book. Thus, at each office, the psalms are the body of the prayer of the Church, the raw material of the Liturgy of the Hours.
But leave that aside to look at how early Christians used these psalms with wonderful powers. This way, much less conventional than the Liturgy of the Hours, is strongly inspired by the Jewish tradition which itself is much more inclined to rites and rituals. Through the laws of Kabbalah, each of the 150 psalms were given what the elders called a "Wonder of God." Thus, to obtain a grace from the Lord, it was not enough to sing the psalm indicated, it was also necessary to perform a "plus" that allowed to be in adequacy with the Lord.
The Psalms with many
In this case, it is no longer a matter of performing a small rite around a Psalm, it is the Psalm itself that becomes rite. Small groups (maximum 9 people) can consist of friends, relatives or even less close people.
A "hard core" may also be made up of two or three people who will join other people from time to time. These small meetings are ideal for trying to solve difficulties or overcome hardships: the fact of evoking them to other members, with the illumination of the Divine Spirit that blows in the Psalms, often makes it possible to find solutions or to relativize these problems. This small group can meet on Sundays or during important spiritual days, in an atmosphere conducive to meditations (Icons, incense, candles ...).
There should be as many candles lit as there are people present. In addition, each participant will be able to rub their hands with a little Ritual Oil corresponding to his Angel (Optional anointing, but recommended) before starting. Each member of the group must have their own Bible.
This meeting will always start with a snack (Lunch or dinner, or also for a snack, an improvised snack). And after this shared bodily nourishment, comes the time of spiritual nourishment. Each one exposes his or her problems of the moment in order to find the Psalms (in the List of Psalms, above) which correspond to the genes exposed. Then, for each Psalm, someone will read the Psalm aloud, then everyone will read it in silence, once or twice. Thus, everyone can "ruminate" these venerable writings. After a longer or shorter period of meditation, one or the other will say a verse that has marked, that he will not understand or that he believes important.
This will lead to a free discussion where everyone can give their opinion, give their vision of things according to their own experiences. But do not be afraid of the times of silence: they are not dead times, but moments when the biblical word, become the word of a brother or a sister resonates in us and arouses our word. At the end of an uncertain time, it will be time to re-read the Psalm aloud. But this time, all people together, with one heart. We will be able to move on to another Psalm. The session will end when the master of the session turns off the candles.
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- Protect your home!From 30,00€Place your home and its inhabitants under the spiritual protection of Mary, Joseph and Saint Michael!
- Ritual of Clearance49,00€This High Theurgy ritual helps reverse all kinds of demonic traps or evil works by destroying black magic and witchcraft uttered against you. Download this ritual immediately (5 pages). After payment, you will find the download link directly on your invoice.
- Express Mass20,00€When requesting a mass intention, we remind you that we are at your spiritual service. We are here at CIELS the bridge between you and the Celestial Forces. Entrust us with your mass requests and we will humbly do our work as mediator between you and them. If you prefer to remain discreet about the request, indicate in the box "The chosen prayer intention": "for a particular intention". The mass can only be performed 3 hours after your request.
- Ritual of the Sauve-Croix15,00€This rite, since the first Christians, has been feared by demons. They can only flee before the cross, flee before the Christian who then becomes a Child of God. By performing this ancestral rite, you will proclaim your faith in the Holy Trinity in whose name you were baptized. You yourself will then become the sanctuary of this same Trinity. God will then “dwell” in you and this inner strength will be the best shield, this breath of the Spirit will become the best protection! Download this ritual immediately (3 pages). After payment, you will find the download link directly on your invoice.
- Confess!18,00€Confess and obtain forgiveness from the Lord! If the churches have been emptying since Vatican II, it is because many of you are disappointed with the behavior or the weak or retrograde positions of the Catholic Church, to the point that you no longer have the desire to weave serious ties with Her. However, the act of confession is the first and best spiritual cleansing that we can accomplish in order to then obtain graces.
- Against harassment and false accusations39,00€In our daily lives or with social networks with cyberbullying, we can suffer verbal, physical or psychological attacks which can be extremely disturbing. This can manifest itself through contemptuous looks, jokes or inappropriate gestures, sexual solicitations, hurtful remarks, daily criticism, sidelining, unrealizable demands, childish punishments, spreading rumors, etc.
- Mass for a deceasedFrom 18,00€Our deceased need our prayers, as we need theirs. A mass for the deceased is a true act of faith in the resurrection. Thus, you accompany them in their passage towards the Father. Also, it is a good solution for you and your loved ones to keep their memory alive. It also proves that we can continue to love them. Prayer for our dead repairs negligence and our indifference and reciprocally forgives them for their failings. Let’s continue the dialogue with them! We can give them so much and they can give us so much!
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- If you prefer to remain discreet about your request, indicate in the “Your message for the deceased person” box: “for a special intention”.
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