Through the laws of Kabbalah, each of the 150 psalms were given what the ancients called a "Wonder of God." So, to obtain a grace from the Lord, it was not enough to sing the psalm indicated, it was also necessary to perform a "plus" that allowed to be in adequacy with the Lord ...
The oldest Psalms have 3 000 years! King David, singing and dancing for God, is considered their father. Prayer of the believing Jew, as was the case of Jesus himself, the Psalms express all the human feelings of man before God, they are a prayer of praise and supplication. And since then, there is not a single moment when, somewhere in the world, a Psalm is raised to God. And thus, for centuries and centuries, these incessant praises and miraculous supplications have been realized.
"O LORD, I call on you, come hurry to me! Give ear to my voice, when I call on you. May my prayer be before your face like incense "(Ps 141: 1-2). Since those early times, men have sought to enter into communication with God. The Psalms are therefore part of these means.
In time, codifications and methods of recitation were instituted. For example at present, the Universal Catholic Church uses in the liturgy 147 psalms on the 150 of the biblical book. Thus, at each office, the psalms are the body of the prayer of the Church, the raw material of the Liturgy of the Hours.
But leave that aside to look at how early Christians used these psalms with wonderful powers. This way, much less conventional than the Liturgy of the Hours, is strongly inspired by the Jewish tradition which itself is much more inclined to rites and rituals. Through the laws of Kabbalah, each of the 150 psalms were given what the elders called a "Wonder of God." Thus, to obtain a grace from the Lord, it was not enough to sing the psalm indicated, it was also necessary to perform a "plus" that allowed to be in adequacy with the Lord.
- 49:1
To the choirmaster.
Sons of Korah. Psalm.
- 49:2
Listen to this, all of you, people,
Lend your ear, all of you inhabitants of the world,
- 49:3
Young and old, rich and poor!
- 49:4
My mouth is going to sound wise words,
And my heart has meaningful thoughts.
- 49:5
I lend an ear to the sentences which are inspired to me,
I open my song to the sound of the harp.
- 49:6
Why should I be afraid in days of misery?
When the iniquity of my adversaries envelops me?
- 49:7
They trust their property,
And boast of their great wealth.
- 49:8
They can't redeem each other,
Nor give God the price of redemption.
- 49:9
The redemption of their soul is dear,
And will never take place;
- 49:10
They will not live forever,
They will not avoid the view of the pit.
- 49:11
Because they will see it: the wise ones die,
The fool and the fool also perish,
And they leave their property to others.
- 49:12
They imagine that their homes will be eternal,
That their dwellings will remain from age to age,
They whose names are honored on earth.
- 49:13
But the man who is in honor has no duration,
He is like beasts that are slaughtered.
- 49:14
This is their way, their madness,
And those who follow them like their speeches. -Pause.
- 49:15
Like a flock, they are put in the place of the dead,
Death makes it his pasture;
And soon the right men are trampling on them,
Their beauty vanishes, Hades is their home.
- 49:16
But God will save my soul from Hades,
Because he will take me under his protection. -Pause.
- 49:17
Don't be afraid because a man gets rich,
Because the treasures of his house are multiplying;
- 49:18
Because he takes nothing away by dying,
His treasures do not descend after him.
- 49:19
No matter how happy he is during his life,
It will be nice to praise you for the enjoyments you give yourself,
- 49:20
Nevertheless, you will go to the stay of your fathers,
Who will never see the light again.
- 49:21
The man who is in honor, and who has no understanding,
Is like beasts slaughtered.