Jehudiel means "Praise of God" in Hebrew He is considered the Archangel of the Arts, because the artistic creation is a praise to the Creator.


  • His Vibratory Day: Wednesday.
  • His Vibratory Month: May.
  • Vibratory Number: the 5.
  • Vibratory Color: light green.
  • Its Vibrating Fragrances: Rose - Strawberry - Walnut.
  • His Vibratory Stone: Agate.
  • His Priority Psalm: 145, to read in the Bible.

The personality of Jehudiel's proteges

The proteges of Angel Jéhudiel are always ready to embark on the adventure of life, without prejudices. "Too much sleep .. night": this maxim fits them perfectly, because they think that life is too short. For them, there is no time to lose. Moreover, the slow ones and the inert ones exasperate them.

But they also have emotions to spare. They are very sensitive, but do not react only by intuition: they are endowed with great intelligence. They are always moving, original or sometimes just playful.

As much as they are restless, they can not stand the "obsessed" of a single cause. Why always dig the same furrow, when the field is huge? They are browsers of life and they hate to "fix", because for them, it rhymes with "freeze". With them, the dogmas and the final judgments are put in the closet!

The possibilities of Jehudiel's proteges It is in work that their possibilities are most evident, for they are able to carry out several operations at the same time.

They are materialistic without excess and always seek a very concrete solution to the problems. Their eloquence is remarkable, and this ease in words naturally leads them to the right; but they often turn to commercial professions because they are fit for business.

In general they can conduct solid and advanced studies that can lead them to positions of high responsibility.

The feelings of Jehudiel's proteges

They are not satisfied with simple things and multiply encounters in their youth. They then know a lot of sentimental disappointments.

Then with social success, they tend toward a more stable life crowned by a late marriage. The family takes precedence over all things (even their sacrosanct profession) and they devote themselves to their homes without restriction. They then become sentimental and tenderness becomes their major asset, their leitmotif.

It is quite surprising that in this area, as in the professional field, there always comes a moment that becomes a turning point in their lives. Not that they deny their past, but all of a sudden, they realize later that after having tasted all the sensations and emotions of life, it would be wise for them to put the luggage. It follows therefore a desire for stability, rest (warrior) and security. While they have lived a life on the run, they want to end their old days away from all turmoil.

Many of Jehudiel's proteges begin to write their memoirs or embark on writing or historical or genealogical research. The greatest of their desire is then to have had the impression of having laid a stone in the destiny of humanity. Very nice task that they impose themselves ...

Jehudiel's priority areas

You can appeal by invoking this Angel, regardless of your Angel-protector for the following priority areas:

To intercede before God, to obtain graces for others, to obtain the gift of miracles.
To attract luck in the work, for a professional interview.
To carry out his projects or any business.
To be seen and create sympathy around you.
Learn music.

You can ask Jehudiel for help. This may be appropriate, if you wish it helps you to settle in the current month, an embarrassment, an obstacle ... which is of his particular competence. If this is the case, click here.

Ancient Invocation of Jehudiel




Know also that this Ancient Invocation, apart from its verbal use, can be used in a calligraphic manner, on parchment.
You have the possibility to either manufacture them yourself (click here to find out how), then to have them blessed by a Priest, or to command them (click here if this is the case).

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