Nowadays we are talking about a Vatican III to make the Christian religion attractive and bring believers back into the churches... But the lack of priests, the place of women in the Church, the taking into account of regional or national particularities Christians, the creation of ministries for the laity, the Catholic conception of sexuality, the place of the digital revolution in the Christian world... all this is still far from being debated, negotiated and decided!
And during this time, we know that you no longer really want to go to churches to practice your spirituality. You say you have the impression that priests are no longer in tune with today's world...
Let's not debate the subject here, but it is true that many religious acts can be carried out at home, alone or with others: here at CIELS, we like to say that Heaven shines elsewhere than under the golden vaults of churches!
But this “desertion” is damaging at least on one point: the act of confession. This is why we offer you this spiritual service.
“He who hides his faults will not succeed, he who confesses them and
renouncing it will obtain mercy. » (Proverbs 28:13)
Why confess?
The answer is unambiguous: because we are all sinners! As each day passes, we often think and act in ways that are contrary to the Gospel.
The act of confession is therefore the first and best spiritual cleansing that we can accomplish in order to then obtain graces.
Anyone who says they are sinless is either a liar or blind! By confessing to the Lord, He will forgive His Children who admit their miseries, who repent of their faults and who try to repair them.
The mistakes we make torment our thoughts. Our heart becomes compressed by these faults, and sooner or later, we feel the need to share these hidden secrets, so that their weight lessens.
But who to confess to? It is difficult to confide to a friend what embarrasses or invites disgust. Even to a faithful friend, it is difficult to confide one's secrets, especially those which are dangerous, terrible or base. Likewise, there is no guarantee that the friend will keep secrets.
As for the Confessor, he is an honest friend who is not offended by listening to sins, because he is used to listening to them. Moreover, he finds repentance and not pride in hearing them.
What should we confess?
It's not always easy to confess: you don't know what to say, especially if you've never done it! Here are some ideas that can help you in your work of examining your conscience.
Ask yourself about the evil done and the good omitted, towards God, your neighbor and yourself (Not exhaustive) :
With regard to God
- I only turn to God and the Heavenly Forces when necessary?
- Do I regularly practice rites of thanks to the Heavenly Forces?
- Do I pray at least one prayer a day?
- Did I blaspheme the name of God, of the Virgin, of the saints?
- Was I ashamed of showing myself to be a Christian?
- What am I doing to grow spiritually?
- Do I not claim that God acts according to my will?
With regard to my neighbor
- I know how to forgive, have indulgence, help my neighbor?
- I judge mercilessly in thought and word?
- I slandered, stole, despised the small and defenseless?
- Am I envious, angry, bitter?
- I take care of the poor and the sick?
- Am I honest and fair to everyone?
- Do my physical pleasures degrade the integrity of others?
- Did I incite others to do evil?
- Do I respect the environment?
In relation to myself
- Do I eat, drink, smoke excessively?
- Do I worry too much about my physical health and my possessions?
- How I spend my time: Am I lazy? I want to be served?
- I meditate revenge, I harbor resentment?
- I love and cultivate purity of heart, thoughts and actions?
- I am merciful, humble builder of peace?
When should we confess?
The sinner must enter into confession when he feels the need. But know that 4 times a year is a minimum… The sinner confesses his sins and thus receives absolution. He then goes out comforted, quite sure that he has received forgiveness, feeling that the heavy burden which tired and tormented him has finally been removed, and Christ our Master has carried it in its place.
Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins. Thus, the heart of the sinner feels tranquil, and he receives from confession an inner peace, which he very much needs.
As for the one who does not confess, he struggles with his thoughts and doubts, and remains with a shaken heart, sometimes being sure of the forgiveness of his sins, trusting in God's love and mercy, and sometimes his sin grows before him, so he believes that his offense can no longer be forgiven...
Procedure for confessing
After having examined your conscience and having reflected on the content of your confession (using the paragraph “What should we confess?”), you will recite the following prayer:
My Lord, my God and my Savior, Jesus Christ, You are the Treasure of Mercy and the Source of Salvation.
I come to You confessing my sins. I confess that, with insolence, I dared to defile Your holy altar with my sins.
Now I seek Thy pity and Thy mercy, for Thy mercy is without bounds; You have never turned your back on a sinner who comes to You. I confess that my sins have become a very heavy burden over my head and that I have no strength left.
Do not hide Your face from me lest I live in fear; do not punish me in Your anger, do not chastise me in Your fury. O Lord, do not judge me according to what I deserve, but have mercy on me, for I am weak.
Remember Lord that You created me; have mercy on me, do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for no one living is righteous before You.
Clothe me with a new garment worthy of Your glory. Forgive me my sins so that I can sing to You: “Blessed is he to whom the Lord has forgiven his evil and has removed his sins. »Amen.
Once done, write your confession using the form at the top of the page. This service is absolutely confidential. Your confession will not be published on the site under any circumstances. Only CIELS will be aware of the content of your confession. You will then receive a confession confirmation email in which the “Confession Prayer” will be found.
For our part, after having read your confession request, we will send you by email the “Prayer of Invocation to Divine Mercy” which you must perform. For some cases, this prayer will be accompanied by advice of repentance, if we consider the case necessary.