Regardless of your Protective Angel, you can use this Pentacle for spiritual and intellectual development, memory enhancement, concentration, willpower, perseverance for goals.
Ariel means "Fire of God" in Hebrew. But the root AR or AOR is more distant since it comes from Sanskrit where it means: creative fire, divine energy. Its symbol is a flaming and luminous torch. Ariel inherited, after the fall of Lucifer, the right to be a bearer of light. This fire is not a destructive element, but an energy which makes it possible to see the divine path. The Pentacle of the Angel Ariel is effective for all those who seek a spiritual and intellectual evolution, because it is necessary to know it: Ariel is the Angel who instills in the conscience of the scientists and the seekers, the ideas which will allow them to make scientific discoveries. Also, if you need to develop your intellect, your mental faculties and obtain concrete results: use this Pentacle.
Note that the lines of force form a star around the torch. It is the Pentagram of Man, for a naked man fits into it, arms and legs spread. Indeed, what distinguishes man from the rest of Nature is the breath of creative Fire, Intelligence which is the supreme gift of God. These lines determine two areas in which the torch is inscribed. The first is made up of the three triangles that illuminate: thought - action - intelligence. The second zone marks the terrestrial rooting, the power of the closed fist, because the divine fire grants the force to the man on Nature.
You will download with your Pentacle all the information necessary to be able to use it properly.
Pentacle format: 100mm x 100mm.